This is by no means an extensive listing of genealogy links for Scandanavian researchers. It is more of a listing of informative sources that beginners like myself may find useful. I will add to it as I find more. Please leave me a note if you have any useful
Scandanavian links to add!


Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - Norway / Norge Always a good place to start!

NOIS - Norway Online Information Service is provided by the Royal Norwegian Embassy in Washington, DC and the Royal Norwegian Consulate General in New York. Very nicely designed web page with links to News of Norway, Government, Tourism, Culture & History, Business & Economy, Events and others.

A nicely designed page discussing the research and genealogy of Norwegian families. Lot of links to Norwegian information plus a guestbook to post messages and browse through old ones. Will see Norwegian and English in the guestbook.

Sources from Bergen, Norway
Browse the 1801 Norwegian Census, Norwegian Naming Practices, Emigration List for Bergen Harbor 1874-1924 plus other genealogical links.

Cyndi's List of Genealogy Sites on the Internet - Sweden / Sverige Always a good place to start!

The Swedish School Computer Network  Obtain an online Swedish-English dictionary that works both ways.

Have you found a Swedish ancestor?  Some good down to earth advice on getting your search for Swedish ancestors started.

Scandinavian Genealogy Pages
Lot of helpful hints on Swedish genealogy research as well as in Denmark

Swedish Genealogy Page
Database with Swedish surnames and researchers